What is equity release?

What is equity release and will it work for me?

If you are homeowner aged 55 or over then Equity Release is a mortgage that will allow you to release some of the tax free funds in your home. Whether you are still working or have retired it will allow you to access funds for any (legal) reason, such as;

Head off on that once in a Lifetime holiday
Renovate or alter your home
Help family get on the housing ladder
Fund school fees
The list is endless.

Depending on your requirements and individual circumstances, you can access funds in a number of ways;

Take a Lump sum Lifetime Mortgage – this is a tax free single advance providing you with an amount of money paid directly into your bank account, for you to use as you please.

Alternatively you may opt for a Lifetime mortgage with a drawdown facility, after the initial lump sum payment has been made you have access to an additional pot of money (pre-agreed) which allows you to drawdown funds as and when required, without any further checks or paperwork required.

Check if you are eligible for Equity Release

If you can say yes to all these points then you may be eligible for an equity Release Mortgage


You and any partners are both aged 55 or over
Your property is located in mainland UK and is valued in excess of £70,000 and in good condition.
You require a minimum advance of £10,000
You will need to pay off any existing mortgages which can be done with the Equity Release Mortgage.


Call Lifelink on 01189 349800 to discuss your options